
When they told you to stop skipping

noisily down corridors and dangerously up the stairs,

did you question your skipping abilities?

Did you wonder if said skip was high enough

impressive enough,

in time, lively, energetic, contained?

Did you ponder in the dark, dawn-questioned hours

in grim solitude, just you and your mind?

Did you compare your skips with those of others?

Did you worry your skip may not find an audience,

interpret each passing smile or twitched eyebrow as snigger

and twitch at every word heading your way?


Did you stop skipping?


I thought not.


21 thoughts on “Skipping”

  1. What a great way to think about life. πŸ™‚ We should never stop skipping, literally or figuratively.

    1. Thanks, Polly. I once asked a particularly talented skipper from my son’s class how she did it and, when she tried to break it down for me, she got herself all entangled.

  2. Wow!!! I love this! This is too much and so right on! It speaks to ANYTHING we might want to do that people tell us not to do, for whatever reason. You are an amazing poet! You captured life and obstacles right here in this poem in such a lighthearted fun way. It makes me wish I would have written it! Thanks Marina. πŸ™‚ you are such a joy!

  3. This is really inspiring. Thanks for sharing it.
    It’s exactly what I need to read right now as I face down self-doubt about my novel for the umpteenth time.

    1. Glad to be of help – I wrote it for myself as I am going through the same thing. I skimmed happily through about 3 chapters of edits yesterday, and then overnight I was wondering if I should rewrite all of it!

  4. I’ve printed this out and stuck it above my desk to help me through darker moments when I doubt my own sanity at trying to get published! Thank you – it’s lovely.

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