Bernhard Schlink: Liebesfluchten (Flights of Love)

My second review for German Literature Month, expertly organised and hosted by Caroline and Lizzy. Another prize winning author, best known for his novel ‘The Reader’, this former law professor and judge is constantly preoccupied with the ‘burden of being German’.

In this short story collection, the more obvious immediate subject is love – in all its forms and nuances. It’s about taking flight and finding refuge in love (or in our idealised view of it) or about love that has flown away after many years of marriage. It’s about suppressed yearning and regrets for things not done, about the comfort of habits and rituals, and about the consequences of attempting to make the grand gesture. The protagonists are all men, of different ages, but virtually all slightly confused loners, no matter what outward trappings of success they might have. The author seems to build up towards a surprise ending in each story – yet the surprise is often not quite as dramatic as we might expect. Perhaps the surprise is that life goes on even after we try to change it.

I found ‘Girl and Lizard’ a bit creepy, about a man’s obsession with a family painting, which inhibits his ability to have normal relationships with other women. ‘Sugar Peas’ and ‘The Other’ are about affairs and keeping secrets, with twists which show us that nothing is simply black-and-white when it comes to marriages or extramarital relationships. ‘The Son’ is about a German professor sent to a country in the grips of a civil war as an international observer – and how he rediscovers his human empathy and his love for his son. ‘The Woman at the Gas Station’ is the most successful story in terms of capturing that universal human longing for the unattainable, the wondering ‘what if…’, the anxiety about missed opportunities in life, the attempt to rekindle a love grown cold.

Kann man sich in den anderen ein zweites Mal verlieben? Kennt man den anderen beim zweiten Mal nicht viel zu gut? Setzt Verlieben nicht voraus, daß man den anderen noch nicht kennt, daß er noch weiße Flecken hat, auf die man eigene Wünsche projizieiren kann?… Oder gibt es Liebe ohne Projektion?

Can you fall in love with the same person twice? Don’t you know the other person far too well the second time round? Doesn’t falling in love assume that you don’t quite know the other, that there are blank spots in which you can project your own dreams?… Or is there such a thing as love without projection? (my translation)

LiebesfluchtenYet my favourite two stories are more overtly political: they are about the clash of two cultures, two ideologies, as well as two people in love (or friendship). In ‘A Little Fling’ (ironic title – ‘Der Seitensprung’ in the original is slightly more neutral), it’s about the friendship between a West German man and an East German family, the betrayals on both sides – personal, political – and the question whether we can maintain a relationship even after we become aware of the betrayals. Can we still live with someone when we know them all too well, know even the worst that they are capable of?

Alle Ost-West-Geschichten waren Liebesgeschichten, mit den entsprechenden Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen. Sie lebten von der Neugier darauf, was am anderen fremd war, von dem, was er hatte und man selbst nicht… Wieviel gab es davon! Genug, um aus dem Winter, als die Mauer fiel, einen Frühling ost-west-deutscher Liebesneugier zu machen. Aber dann war, was fremd und anders und weit weg war, auf einmal nah, gewöhnlich und lästig…

All East-West stories were love stories, with the same expectations and disappointments. They thrived on the curiosity about what made the other different, what they had that we did not have… So many such stories! Enough, to make a spring of east-west German love-hunger out of wintry landscape of the Fall of the Wall. But then everything that was foreign, different and distant became, all of a sudden, close, common and annoying… (my translation)

‘The Circumcision’ shows a young German man trying to come to grips with his cultural heritage when he falls in love with an American Jew. In several interesting dialogues between the couple and their friends and relative, we discover how deep-rooted prejudices can be. The man, Andi, riles against his girlfriend’s declaration that she loves him ‘in spite of him being German’. He reproaches her family for not being at all genuinely curious about him: ‘You meet me above all with prejudice. You know everything about the Germans, ergo, you know everything there is to know about me.’ And ultimately, self-censorship creeps into their relationship – so many subjects they dare not discuss openly, so many trigger points they have to be careful to avoid, so many opinions they dare not voice.


Schlink is a very different writer from Alois Hotschnig, and not just in subject matter. His stories very much anchored in reality, there are only flights of fancy in his stories, not flights into surrealistic landscapes. He is also much less ‘slant’ in style: he tackles subjects head-on, he introduces quite explicit (sometimes unrealistically so) dialogue and does not shy away from underlining a point, to make sure the reader gets the message. He is a writer of ideas, one to provoke discussions at book clubs or to cause one to ruminate about one’s own life, rather than one to admire stylistically or to seek to emulate. I can’t say I was uniformly delighted by all of these stories, but I rather admire the fact that there is no neat ending to most of the stories. For such an emphatic writer, it must have been hard to abstain from tying up all the loose ends.



18 thoughts on “Bernhard Schlink: Liebesfluchten (Flights of Love)”

  1. A very interesting review. I was slightly underwhelmed by The Reader I’m afraid and couldn’t really understand all the attention it got , maybe the short stories would be better.

    1. I was rather thrilled by The Reader when I first read it 10-15 years ago, but less so upon rereading. His dry, very non-lyrical style is perhaps better suited to short stories, and I hear his latest collection ‘Summer Lies’ is even better.

  2. I read this ages ago and the one which stuck in my memory is A Little Fling, quite a tribute after well over ten years coupled with middle-aged memory syndrome! I think.

    1. Interestingly, on Goodreads there were one or two readers who commented that they hated this particular story, but as an ‘Easterner’ myself, it really resonated with me.

  3. Wonderful review, Marina! I loved this sentence from your review – “His stories very much anchored in reality, there are only flights of fancy in his stories, not flights into surrealistic landscapes.” I have read only ‘The Other Man’ from this collection and liked it very much. Actually, I saw the movie version first and then read the story. I have read three of Schlink’s books before and loved ‘Homecoming’ and ‘The Reader’, while ‘The Weekend’, inspite of its fascinating premise, was disappointing. I am hoping to read ‘Flights of Love’ sometime this month.

    1. I didn’t even know there was a movie version of this story! And I like the premise of The Weekend, although I haven’t read it yet. Look forward to hearing what you think of this book later this month!

      1. The movie version has Liam Neeson, Antonio Banderas and Laura Linney. It is quite nice. If you get a chance, do watch it. I hope you like it.

  4. Your description of your two favorite stories in this collection makes me want to read them. The East/West theme and German/American relationships intrigue me. The Reader is in my stack, but maybe I’ll read this one first. I do love short stories. (I just put in a library request for this one.)

    1. More precisely, it’s about the fraught Jewish/German relationship and whether there is such a thing as a ‘national soul’ and collective guilt, for which even future generations are responsible.

  5. Marina Sofia – What an interesting collection of stories! And it just shows how complex love really is. There are so many different angles from which you can look at the same thing. And I am drawn in by the whole question of the prejudices and assumptions we bring to relationships, and that’s addressed here too. Sounds like a fine collection.

    1. It was a really interesting and varied collection of stories, and a great counterpoint to the more abstract, absurdist prose of Hotschnig which I’d read the week before.

  6. This sounds very good. I’ve read and liked The Reader and hated THe Weekend, so much that I never picked up this collection, although I have it. It’s interesting that he called a story circumcision. There’s a debate in Germany about this at the moment and I think many politicians want it to be forbidden.
    Sounds like it’s a collection with a wide range.

  7. This collection must have provided an interesting contrast to Maybe This Time. I haven’t read Schlink, although I should have tried The Reader before seeing the film. Short stories could be a good way in, and the dynamics in A Little Fling sound interesting.

  8. What an interesting and thought provoking selection of stories. I wasn’t overly enthralled with The Reader although I liked the concept – I might just have to try some of his short stories though.

  9. I’ve read The Reader and was disappointed. Much ado about nothing, in my opinion.

    The short story collection seems more interesting. Good to know.

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