More #InternationalBooker Titles: from Italy, Poland, Brazil and Venezuela

More brief thoughts on the International Booker Prize longlisted titles, and which ones I think (or hope) will make it through to the shortlist. Since I wasn’t feeling very well this weekend, I thought I’d save some time by simply making a video of myself talking about each of these books, but completely forgot that takes time as well, plus I look anything but glamorous when I’m recovering from illness. Anyway, here are my thoughts on this latest batch of titles from the longlist, of which I mostly hope that White Nights makes it through to the shortlist.

Veronica Raimo: Lost On Me, transl. Leah Janeczko, Grove Press.

Urszula Honek: White Nights, transl. Kate Webster, MTO Press.

Itamar Vieira Junior: Crooked Plow, transl. Johnny Lorenz, Verso.

Rodrigo Blanco Calderon: Simpatia, transl. Noel Hernandez Gonzalez & Daniel Hahn, Seven Stories Press.

P.S. I apologise for not including any subtitles, I was using the video on my new computer for the first time and didn’t include Closed Captions while filming. Will do better next time!