Friday Fun: Berlin Buzz

Just a little meander through Berlin last week, in magnificent sunshine…

Three landmarks in one photo
The Caspar David Friedrich exhibition was magnificent, although initially I thought it was just the one room and nearly forgot to go upstairs. Also enjoyed seeing a few Impressionists and German painters here.
Visible from pretty much everywhere in the centre of Berlin
The old runway of Tempelhof airport is now a place to cycle and skateboard and the whole airfield is full of sports clubs, community gardening projects, wildlife reserves and BBQs.
There are still remembrances of things past in the most unexpectedly quiet corners of Berlin
Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island) in Wannsee is an odd little slice of history and architecture
Have been reliably informed that spaceship-like building is Brad Pitt’s house on Wannsee. He only visits occasionally and usually rents it out.

10 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Berlin Buzz”

  1. Thanks for my virtual Berlin trip! I’ve gazed across the Lake at that house but had no idea it was Brad Pitt’s. Had to be someone with oodles of money, though.

  2. Did this visit step up your excitement about an eventual move to Berlin? Or help define what part of it might be most realistic for the apartment search?

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