Friday Fun: Designer Libraries

I prefer the lived-in look in a library, with a few higgledy-piggledy piles of books which give me an insight into the owner’s current preoccupations. But of course there are people who get interior designers to create libraries for them. Some of them do look quite tempting, but I doubt any designer would put up with my excessive expectations of indulging the books.

Loft library, from Bloglovin’.
Another loft library and home, from I think they could have fitted in a lot more bookshelves.
Corridor library – a good use of otherwise wasted space, from
Library in Milan which seeks to emulate that ‘lived-in’ look, from NY Times. Also, lots of pictures.
Home library designed by Patrica Martino. Bonus points for ladder.
Library from Sarah B. Spongberg Interiors. Minus points for unused spaces.
Calling forth the spirit of hygge, from T Magazine in NY Times.

32 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Designer Libraries”

  1. Definitely the Milan one for me. The trouble with the corridor one is you’d never get down it would you? I love the woman on the wall of the first one – she looks like she’s got some attitude!

  2. Those are lovely, particularly the one with the ladder, although all a bit tidy for me. Mind you, having spent some hours yesterday on a stepladder trying to tidy and prune the books, I realised that the house has been taken over completely by them and Something Must Be Done…. 😦

  3. Oh, these are all so gorgeous, Marina Sofia! That T Magazine library looks so warm and inviting! But it is really difficult to choose among them.

    1. I think libraries must be the easiest things to design for interior designers… well, if they’ve got a booklover as a client. Just have shelves all around and a few comfortable areas for sitting and reading.

  4. I like the last one best, but the third was a close second. The one in Milan looked too messy and the first two were about ‘the look’ rather than the books.

  5. Oh, I was being very picky today – too bare, too cluttered, no footstools! But you kept the best for last – I’ll go hygge. Cosy and a comfy settee…ahh!

    1. My parents had built-in wardrobes made for our very long corridor in the flat in Bucharest, with room on top to put some of our books… You needed a chair or stepladder to reach them, but it could lead to pleasant discussions with visitors.

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