Friday Fun: Film Locations in Asia

Another chance to sigh over villas and hotels which have served as film locations – in Asia, this time.

I could just waft around there, harbouring killer or romantic thoughts (as required) all day long. Koh Yao Noi Six Senses in Thailand, from
Similar vibe in the Philippines, also courtesy of Turquoise Holidays.
View from Nicole Kidman’s pad while she was filming The Expats in Hong Kong. Nice work if you can get it! From Tatler Asia.
This villa in Sri Lanka apparently featured in the TV series The Night Manager, from
This resort in Koh Samui, Thailand, will feature in the next season of White Lotus. From
This hotel in Udaipur featured in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
The Blue Mansion in Malaysia featured in Crazy Rich Asians, from

7 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Film Locations in Asia”

  1. I too have never been anywhere like this and although there’s still so much of mainland Europe to discover, I would secretly really love to go to a resort in Thailand or Bali or somewhere and just *stop* for a week or two. The sort-of-indoors-but-basically-outdoors architecture is my favourite!

  2. They’re all so gorgeous, Marina Sofia! I could see myself in any one of them (although I like the first one best!). But I have to agree: aircon, please!

  3. Very enjoyable I’ll be sure to share photos from the Seychelles when I get there, if I can stop gawping for long enough myself. Oo-la-la…

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