Friday Fun: Writing Retreats

I may be out and about hobnobbing with the crime writing community at Bloody Scotland this weekend, but it’s that time of year when I start to think about retiring to a cabin in the woods (or mountains or on the coast, I’m not fussy) and writing non-stop until spring. Easy enough to do with these gorgeous places!

Even better if it’s in a tropical climate, so you don’t need to worry about the heating. From Pinterest.
But there is something so irresistibly romantic about a snow-covered cabin, from

This cabin in Tennessee looks suitable for year-round living, from
You can rent these holiday cabins in Pennsylvania, from
This one straddles a waterfall – wildly adventurous, but it would make me want to pee all the time! From

If you don’t like the idea of living in remote places, you can always build a cabin in your backyard – if it’s big enough. From Country Living.
This actually is a writer’s cabin, belonging to Canadian writer Ann Voskamp (from her blog)
This one in Alabama is less cabin, more like a miniature Versailles, from
Who needs to get away from home when your back garden has such an amazing view and shed (although I may not want to open the bar until I finish writing). From

6 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Writing Retreats”

  1. Such luxurious cabins, they’re stunning! Hope you have a wonderful time at Bloody Scotland Marina Sofia! I was in Edinburgh at the start of the week and it was glorious – perfect autumn weather. Hope it stays that way for you too and is filled with bookish delights 🙂

  2. Oh, those are all fantastic, Marina Sofia! Everyone one of them is appealing, and makes me want to plan a season away from it all – just writing. The Pennsylvania one looks especially appealing, but to be honest, all of them are calling to me….

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